Session (B)-Interfaces and Programing with 8051
- Introduction to LED
- Positive logic implementation and Negative logic
- Implementation(single LED) with C programing
- LED array connections (multiple LED’s)
- Dancing LED’s with C programing
- Introduction to switches (Push buttons)
- Positive logic implementation and negative logic implementation
- Introduction to 16×2 LCD
- 16×2 LCD hardware connections
- Displaying own text on 16×2 LCD with C programing
- LCD interfacing with push buttons in C programing
- 4×4 keypad and 16×2 LCD interfacing to 8051 with C programing
- Introduction to ADC
- ADC0804 basic circuit interfacing and C programing
- Displaying temperature on LCD with ADC0804(hardware and software)
- Basics of ADC0808
- Introduction
- ON/OFF control switching with C program
- Rotation of motor in clock and anti-clockwise direction with C program
- L293D circuit implementation
- Introduction
- ON/OFF control switching with C program
- AC motor driver implementation
- Introduction
- Speed regulation C program
- Rotation of stepper motor in clock and anti-clockwise direction with C program
- ULN2003(or)ULN2008 circuit implementation
- Basic concepts of servo motor
- Introduction
- Basic circuit implementation/pin configuration
- ON/OFF controlling AC and DC devices with C programing
- DTMF MT8870/CM8870/HT9170 introduction
- Basic circuit design(hardware)
- DTMF implementation with 8051 C programing
- Introduction
- DS1307 RTC programing in C
- Introduction
- 433MHz RF wireless communication
- Basic circuit diagram implementation(HT12E, HT12D)
- Wireless device control through RF with C programing